f6d3264842 From what we've seen on screen, it would seem that quantum torpedoes are significantly more powerful than regular photon torpedoes.. 1 Aug 1998 ... A hideous Klingon female watches as a Federation photon torpedo approaches ... This allows us to determine that the upper limit for photon torpedo ..... The DS9 TM states that quantum torpedo yield is roughly 50 isotons, .... Maybe this has been covered on this busy forum already, but skimming through, I noticed that folks seem to favor Quantum Torps. Um... aren't .... The quantum torpedo was a tactical quantum weapon deployed aboard ... in more limited quantities when compared to the more common photon torpedoes, .... Note; It is convention to use ton compared to short ton, net ton American or tonne ... A typical quantum torpedo has increased the typical yield to 21.8 isotons .... 22 May 2009 ... However, the DS9 TM suggests the quantum torpedo is a follow-on weapon to the photon torpedo, detonating a modified photon torpedo .... Though many different types of torpedoes, photon, plasma, quantum, and gravimetric, are used the launchers are basically the same from one ship and species .... 27 Dec 2005 ... How much stronger are Quantum Torpedoes than Photon Torpedoes, and are the Enterprise E's Quantum Torpedoes any stronger than the .... 8 Jan 2019 ... (The terms photon and quantum torpedoes are interchangeable for this discussion.) It is also rumored that photon launchers have been .... 14 Mar 2018 ... Works in Space and Atmosphere 5 Types of Torpedo Turrets - Classic Photon Torpedo - Quantum Torpedo - TNG Quantum Torpedo.. In Star Trek: Voyager, Tuvok and Kim modify a normal photon torpedo with a ... Additionally, the USS Enterprise-E is equipped with quantum torpedoes in Star .... The only major difference compared to the old sword of today is that the Star Trek .... 25 Jul 2016 ... STAR Trek's famous yet deadly photon torpedoes could soon be built after a group of British students discovered how to make the impossible .... Photon Torpedo Launchers fire projectiles that deal heavy kinetic damage in a 90° arc. Shields drastically reduce the effects of kinetic damage. They are not .... 29 Jul 2009 ... In the comparison we gave Galactica's nukes an edge over Enterprise's photon torpedoes based on how the weapons are depicted in the .... Quantums do more damage, which means that they benefit more from Bridge Officer powers, like High Yield Torpedo. They are also faster .... 11 Nov 2018 - 5 min - Uploaded by Resurrected StarshipsStar Treks' enormously powerful Quantum Torpedoes were use in the late 24th century .... Photon Torpedoes: Matter/antimatter annihilation weapon used by Starfleet that contains deuterium and magnetically constrained antideuterium tanks which are .... Quantum torpedoes used a plasma warhead while photon torpedoes used a matter/antimatter warhead. From what I understand about matter and antimatter, I would think that a photon torpedo is much more powerful, unless the plasma used in a quantum torpedo somehow produces a more powerful explosion.... The Star Trek fictional universe contains a variety of weapons, ranging from missiles (the ..... Photon torpedoes first appear on a Starfleet ship in the original series' episode ... In Star Trek: Nemesis, nine of the Enterprise-E's quantum torpedoes .... The only major difference compared to the old sword of today is that the Star .... Try reading this Wiki article on the fictitious weapons used in Star Trek. It includes sections on both quantum and photon torpedoes. Weapons ...
Quantum Torpedo Vs Photon Torpedo